So this is definitely not my normal writing-related post. And, ladies, this one's for you (and maybe you too, open-minded guy). I'm going to try my best not to turn this into a feminist rant (if you know me, you know that I'm a HUGE fan of feminist rants so this may be difficult).
Okay. So. Can I make a suggestion? Once a week, ladies, spend a full day without a bra on. No matter where you're going. At home or out and about. Just
once a week (or twice a week if you're feeling brave!).
And can we, like, collectively as womankind really throw this movement into full swing (see what I did there)? I've been a fan of #freethenipple since day one. But outside of Instagram, Twitter, and the internet in general, I don't see many free nipples out there in the wild, thriving in their natural habitat. How come?

We are under no contractual obligation to hide our nipples. To, every day, strap ourselves into these contraptions that itch and rub and dig and gore us with broken wires and cost a pretty penny.
I don't want to feel like I
have to put on a bra just to go grocery shopping--or out to eat. Or, dare I say it? TO WORK--on the off chance that my delicate-less delicates make someone feel uncomfortable. I put on deodorant for that reason. That's me doing my part for humanity.
And let us not forget that, even if you DO don a bra, you will get looks if that bra, like your nips, is SHOWING. Even a white bra will be a pair of glowing white triangles under a white shirt. I don't want to even think about how many times someone has disdainfully said to me, "Do you know your bra is showing?" SO WHAT? Even if I said EFF the bra, I'd get those same sideways looks of disapproval if my lady pointers decided to put themselves on parade. How does that make sense? The answer is: it doesn't.
Now, don't get me wrong. My girls appreciate some support every now and then. Particularly on hot days when the boob sweat is positively oceanic. Or when I'd like them to be a bit perkier, with a bit more "pick me up," a bit more Victoria and a little less Nana, for a night out. I wear TWO sports bras when I work out.
So wear a bra when
you want to. Likewise, don't wear one when
you don't want to. I'm only asking that you make the choice based only on
your feelings. Not societal expectations or worries about what OTHER people will think. It's helped me feel more comfortable in my skin, to be more accepting of my body and the way things fall where they may. It's been liberating. And we all deserve to feel liberated. So, #freetheboobies.
Also this video. In which a few women don't go to boob jail for a week. |
~Be mindful of the constraints of society. They can be both emotional and physical.~