
Friday, November 4, 2016

#WIPChallenge: Monthly Blog Challenges for Writers

If you're a writer, chances are you've got a WIP going. Maybe you've got multiple! 
And sometimes it helps to delve into your new story in ways you hadn't thought of before. Sometimes it helps to develop your characters outside of the main plot of your story. Sometimes it helps to share about your WIP to keep up your motivation and to renew your enthusiasm. Sometimes none of that helps and everything feels like crap and you just need chocolate... But it ALWAYS helps to connect with other writers who are there in the writing trenches with you. 

#WIPChallenge is a new challenge for writers. 
Starting in January, on the first of every month there will be a prompt for a blog or twitter post that will challenge you to use your WIP to write, develop, share, or connect.

Come back on the first of every month to look for the new challenge or keep an eye on the hashtag! Share your posts on Twitter using #WIPChallenge. 

Then, on the last day of every month, we'll host a Twitter chat about WIPs, the theme of the month, what you learned, and any other writing related topic that comes up, on #WIPChat. JOIN US, FRIENDS!

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