
Monday, June 6, 2016

May in Review

May was kind of a black hole month for me. I'm not sure what I did or where the time went. Probably because my main focus of the month was doing edits and revisions for my #FicFest entry, which is due for the agent round on the 30th of this month. Woooweee, that's coming up fast!

I managed to squeeze in ONE book and ONE movie in May. That was seriously it! Luckily, both were FANTASTIC, so it made my media intake last month, though small, supremely satisfying!

Here's my very short May in review:

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

Holy cow, can I just dive into this book and live in this world please? Just a few pages in I could tell Bardugo was an author I would follow throughout her career. Her writing style is crisp and concise, but descriptive and expertly embellished. 
Bardugo masterfully jumps from the shoulder of one character to the next, shifting POVs seamlessly throughout. Her snippets of backstory and flashbacks came and went at precisely the right times and made you so curious about the origins of each character that it was hard not to flip ahead to fill in the gaps. The plot itself was intricate and intelligent, the characters unique, distinct, and deliciously vivid. 

I have only two gripes with this book.

One: the number of secrets kept from the reader and the other characters. To have this done a couple of times feels like wonderfully well done set ups and pay offs, but after the fifth or sixth time it felt too much like a repetitive .

Two: the characters ages. They're all in their mid teens and they do NOT act or think like their age. I felt like Bardugo might have planned for them all to be older but in the interest of fitting more solidly within the YA genre, knocked off a couple years. But neither are big issues and they did not detract from how much I enjoyed the story. 

It's Ocean's Eleven meets YA Fantasy in a wonderfully vivid world that I can't wait to enter again. And you should DEFINITELY give it a read. I'll hopefully be diving into her Grisha Trilogy VERY soon.    

Captain America: Civil War: 9/10. 


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